Grignotte La Marmotte hike

Grignotte La Marmotte hike

An educational walk to raise awareness of biodiversity in our region, for young and old alike!

Discover a fun family adventure: ‘In the footsteps of Grignotte the Marmot’ on the heights of Gallinera!

Want to catch a glimpse of the marmots? Wooden observatories allow you to discover them in their natural habitat without disturbing them.

Explanatory panels line this educational trail, sure to delight children and keep them up to date with the natural world around them.

Ready for an unforgettable adventure?

How do I get to the ‘Grignotte la Marmotte’ educational trail?


From Font-Romeu town centre, you can get to the site by taking the Airelles Express gondola and then the Airelles chairlift.

This is a 2 lift return option.


From Les Airelles, you can access the site by taking the Airelles chairlift only.

This is the 1 lift return option.


And for the more sporty from Les Airelles, you can opt for the 1 lift pass one way to go up with the Airelles chairlift and come back down walking.

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